See how much money you can make 💸 and vacation you can take 🏝️ with my revenue stimulator.

I created and used this tool in my own six figure therapy practice to help me answer these questions and now I'm sharing it with you! Download my FREE Private Practice Fee tool and let's break down the EXACT steps you need to achieve financial comfort and create a life you love.
I believe in you. Let's do this!

Grab your copy of The BAD Therapist™ Magic Sheets!

These sheets may not always be offered at no cost. Fill out the form below to get yours now as well as be added to my list for news, updates, and upcoming offers!
You'll receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Once you confirm, the Magic Sheets will be delivered to your inbox.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Felicia Keller Boyle

    The BAD Therapist™

    Who am I?

    Hey there! I’m Felicia, the Bad Therapist™.

    I’m a therapist and business coach that helps badass therapists like you create a practice that’s wealth-generating AND value-aligned.

    Ready to confidently make financial decisions that help you feel empowered to take risks, raise your fees, decrease your caseload, and experience wealth like never before?

    Yeah, I thought so. ;) Download your Revenue Stimulator Magic Sheets and let's talk soon.

    How does this work?

    • As soon as you hit the button above you should receive your DAY 1 email with an intro video and detailed instructions for taking on the first section in your magic sheets!
    • Each day, you'll receive another video walking you through your sheet. Just follow along with DAYS 2-4!
    • If you open your emails each day, watch the video (all are between 10 and 15 minutes!), and follow along as you fill out your sheet, you'll have your new revenue plan in under a week.
    • That's it! Happy Revenue Stimulating!
